I'm a proud member of the

craft industry alliance

Community for craft professionals

The Craft Industry Alliance is a trade association for craft industry professionals!

The Craft Industry Alliance connects craft professionals from all areas of the industry ranging from bloggers to suppliers! In the alliance, they stay up to date on breaking news in the craft industry, foster a creative community and provide business resources to its members.

I have been a member of the Craft Industry Alliance since 2021 and highly recommend that you join if you work in the craft industry!

Note: All opinions are my own, and the Craft Industry Alliance does not sponsor The Crafty VA in any way.

Credit For All Photos On Page: Craft Industry Alliance

Craft Industry Alliance Webinar

How to Hire and Work with a Virtual Assistant

In 2022, I spoke at the webinar ”How to Hire and Work with a Virtual Assistant” for the Craft Industry Alliance.

This webinar included me, Beth Kingston, Anna Graham, and Mallory Theiss as panelists. During the webinar, we discussed a variety of topics about hiring a virtual assistant like costs, communication, project management, and more!

The ”How to Hire and work with a Virtual Assistant” webinar was hosted by Abby Glassenberg and was exclusively for members of the Craft Industry Alliance.